Business Intelligence
Interactive Reporting is a web-based Business Intelligence solution designed to help organizations better understand the underlying data that drives their business.
In just a few clicks ...
This easy-to-use browser based tool allows you, in just a few clicks, to analyze, chart, pivot, compare and drill-down through your business data to quickly visualize trends, exceptions and patterns. It is an invaluable aid for helping identify opportunities to increase sales and profitability.
Interactive Reporting provides users with pre-configured business views of their data that allows them to analyze by Product, Category, Department, Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Year, Salesperson, Location, Region, Supplier, Brand, Style, Color, Size or any other dimensions or data related to your business. Easily compare information between different date ranges, or periods, and understand factors that are shaping the performance and profitability of your business.
You can also accelerate your queries in Interactive Reporting and your datawarehouse, with our new In Memory Database called InMemory.Net
Choose your industry or your business function to learn how companies like yours are using Interactive Reporting to make more effective and timely decisions.
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